January 2024 edition

Dear Friends

Welcome to The Urban Worm newsletter, and thank you so much for joining us, for believing in the humble but mighty worm!

Welcome to a new year! We hope you had the opportunity to take a much deserved break and we trust you kept the worms well fed and hydrated with as much dedication as you did for yourselves?!

Worming Well

We hold the firm belief that having a worm farm of your own, however small, has the potential to significantly improve your personal health and wellbeing, after all it is true that we need to give love as much as we need to receive it, and the worms love to be loved. The science says so too: worm poo contains mycobacterium which releases the happy hormone serotonin. Last month the worms could not have received a warmer welcome (despite the brisk weather conditions) from Growing Well in the beautiful Lake District. With thanks to the tireless support from Roe Baker of Cumbria Action For Sustainability (CAfS) we helped the installation of several windrow worm farms at one of Growing Well's sites at Low Sizergh Farm, a certified organic six-acre site situated within the National Trust’s Sizergh estate.

Growing Well is a specialist mental health intervention charity providing horticultural therapy whilst operating a successful veg box scheme producing 100-125 veg boxes a week, with an impressive 1250 soil seedling blocks made by hand. We look forward to seeing the benefits of introducing vermiculture into the operation of the farm, the perfect start to a new year. Thank you Growing Well for embracing the worms.
Growing Well website >>>
Volunteers dig the windrows at Growing Well

Worms: True Eco Activists

We can feel it: a shift in consciousness as we awaken to the deception and corruption of truth that has been imbedded within mainstream media, institutions and corporations for far too long. Fear has been used as a weapon to segregate and manipulate us, but we now see clearly. We are belligerently preached at by billionaire globalists with private jets and newly built beach front houses on private islands claiming to be gravely concerned about rising sea levels and carbon emissions. Our understanding of true ecological activism has become increasingly at odds with the current top down ‘environmental’ movement that calls for global depopulation and big tech controlled 15-minute SMART cities as the solution for saving humanity from impending doom. With the aggressive demonisation of agriculture and direction of accountability being placed upon the poorest global citizens we have grave concerns about the trajectory of this drive for reducing carbon emissions that pays no resemblance to ecological justice or harmony.
For example, the electrification of vehicles is not an ecological solution when the ecological cost is exported to another country, this is eco-colonialism. The human and ecological cost of mining lithium and cobalt for electronics and batteries is not something to be celebrated or considered progress, it should be of great concern for the ecologically-minded activist.
Cleo plans real change with her brand new Christmas worm farm

Real solutions do exist, they simply do not align with the global agenda. Henry Ford’s very first car was made from hemp, and ran on hemp; in fact hemp is pretty much the solution for everything from building materials, to medicines, to fabrics... but try getting yourself a license to grow it, not an easy or cheap undertaking. There is no need for fear, everything can be repaired and nature provides all. As we continue to love and cherish our worms, and one another, we are creating the foundations for progress and true ecological harmony.

One For The Photo Album

We love this simple message from our friends at Growing Well in Kendal, Cumbria.

Get a Room!

We all need our own space, and so do the worms. Show your worms you love and respect them by providing some privacy options, and it will guarantee to boost your population. Half an eggshell or an avocado shell provides the perfect little dating and mating room. The more rooms the merrier. If there’s one thing the world needs more of in 2024 it’s worms. We’re on the right track.
We are optimistic for the year ahead and are excited to see where the worms will take us next. Thank you for being with us on our journey, we are eternally grateful for your support and we wish you a prosperous year ahead full of new opportunities for learning and growth, and may the fruits of your determination and commitment be rewarded in bountiful measure.

Worms & Peace
Anna & The Urban Worm team